Profile PictureSwol Boy Fitness

Click "Follow" at the top of the page and enter your email to know when any new products come out and when my books for coaching services are open! Absolutely NO spam, ever. Lifting is about so much more than touching the iron at the start of your training session. Backed by the latest research in exercise science – and always centering and celebrating athletes historically at the margins of lifting culture – Swol Boy Fitness teaches you how to lift with pride. Sign up for email updates ("Follow" button at the top of the page) to know when my coaching services will be available on here. Swol Boy Fitness products are tools for those who want to progress on their journey with strength and physique - whether that's taking the first steps toward change, or dialing in on the details to become truly advanced. They are not only a template to track your progress, but also a guide on how to personalize, experiment with, and optimize your training within the context of your life. They'll teach you not only what to change, but how to implement long-term, consistent behavioral change with training and/or nutrition. Check out my products below.